What Should I Ask a Urogynecologist?

What Should I Ask a Urogynecologist?

While the health conditions it covers are not new, urogynecology as an area of medicine itself is relatively new. A urogynecologist is a specialist who treats pelvic floor issues specific to women. They are physicians trained in obstetrics and gynecology who also...
From Two to Three: 37-Week “Bumpdate”

From Two to Three: 37-Week “Bumpdate”

From Two to Three: 37-Week “Bumpdate” Written by: Ashley Milliern, Parkhill patient It’s been a minute since my last update, and I find myself *already* at the 37 week mark! It’s true what everyone told me, that with every pregnancy it goes by faster and...
From Two to Three: 24-Hours of Sciatic Nerve Pain

From Two to Three: 24-Hours of Sciatic Nerve Pain

From Two to Three: 24-Hours of Sciatic Nerve Pain Written by: Ashley Milliern, Parkhill patient Hi Friends! I am writing today to tell you about my first pregnancy complaint thus far…sciatic nerve! It’s almost laughable thinking about my week now, that as my...
From Two to Three: Journey of the First Trimester

From Two to Three: Journey of the First Trimester

From Two to Three: Journey of the First Trimester Written by: Ashley Milliren, Parkhill Patient Hi There! My name is Ashley Milliren and I am thrilled to announce my pregnancy with you all! I am the mom of two toddlers, Everly age 3 and Graham age 2! I’m currently 13...
Parkhill’s 30-Minute Massage

Parkhill’s 30-Minute Massage

Parkhill’s 30-Minute Massage Written by: Keleigh Button At Parkhill Clinic, you can now get the massage relief you need! With our newly acquired Novo XT2 massage chair, we are thrilled to offer a custom-tailored massage for our pregnant and non-pregnant patients...